Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kodomo at Irbid !

Konnichi wa mina san ^^
Some days ago - before exams end - I was "shopping" at Irbid's university street as usual ( well .. being a student & living alone forces me to do shopping , washing dishes , cleaning & many other boring works ^^; ) .. while I was walking I noticed the word kodomo ( = child ) written in Arabic at the door of a pharmacy ; at first I didn't care because I read many Japanese words at home & I kept walking saying ( aah .. kodomo .. sho ya3ni ) .. then I stopped .. WHAAAATTT ???!! KODOMOOO ?! I returned to read it & I found it an advertisement for a Japanese medical label ( sticker ) for cooling the body temperature as you see in the pics below , sorry for the bad quality :

And this is the 3 sizes :

I entered the pharmacy asking for a poster or something so he gave me an empty packet ( middle size ) :p

I also want to talk about the THIN Japanese biscuits which you can find on my desk in the previous post :p

I found it at Irbid mall while "shopping" there & brought it to the nihongo class last semester ..
kanji chan no class .. Natsukashii~~ ^^



Anonymous said...

I guess i need one now for my 3 years old brother ... eash esem el pharmacy ... yemken a7ki la daddy to buy one from there :P
wala ya 3am Irbid feeha kol shi:)

imag said...



momiji said...

I had the same reaction when i saw it in my house, my mother bought it for my younger sister, "BIKKURI"
there is also another japanese food product is bought in jordan, "Marukawa" gum. shitteimasuka? totemo oishii><

Anonymous said...

مرحبا كيف الحال
معلم مدامك الك على المنتجات اليابانيه وهيك شي
في تلات اسئله عندي

1- مر عليك اشي اسمو ورشستر صوص؟

2- شو جنسية ايكو سان؟؟ تبع الكرتون

3- ويييييييييييييييييين الينات اللي وعدتني فيهم وييييييينهم؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Biraru said...

Inasu chan ^^
I forgot its name but it was near the uni. circle ( dowwar el jam3a ) in front of Al-Gazzaewi supermarket .. you know it ? ^^

Imag san
はじめまして ^^
実はこのビスケットは”made in china”です。。でもひらがながあります ^^
可笑しいですね ^^

Momiji san ^^
marukawa ka ? shittemasen .. demo omoshiroi namae desu ne :p

Anas ^^
أهلين وسهلين
1- الحقيقة ما بعرف شو هاد .. شو هو نوع بسكوت ؟
2- طبعا إيكوسان ياباني .. معظم الأنمي اللي بنعرفه ياباني
3- من عيوني .. صدق بس روح عاليابان إن شاء الله لغير أجيبلك الينات من طوكيو طازة